Love befall from the apple tree none have (verve?) left to come to me (thus fallen, I turned around) A good fair distance bringing my presents dressed like I had been seeing the woman seeing the woman (finally, eyes familiar) With her bandaged face she was mystery with the falling leaves Wish these idiots would leave me the space to bear my homage to his prickly face Love befall from the apple tree Energy creates energy Transmit to all of you is what I wanna do
What I want to do: not work but transmit To transmit what i want I have thought about being (nature's????) But I am worried about the health risks Those who work but don't earn Those who earn and don't work (we want peace of the senses) She could be my friend ??(And the jealous end)?? She was mystery Of the (fallen?) rain Transmit to all of you is what I wanna do What I want to do: not work but transmit To transmit what i want.