"Where have you been, my long lost love, this seven long years and more?" "Seeking gold for thee, my love, and riches of great store. I might have married the king's daughter, far, far beyond the sea, But I refused the golden crown all for the love of thee." "What have you to keep me with if I with you should go? If I forsake my husband dear and my young son also?" "I'll show you where the white lilies grow on the banks of Italy, I'll show you where the white fishes swim at the bottom of the sea. I'll show you where the white lilies grow on the banks of Italy, I'll show you where the white fishes swim at the bottom of the sea." "Seven ships all on the sea, the eighth brought me to land With four and twenty mariners and music on every hand." She set her foot upon the ship; no mariners could behold The sails were of the shining silk, the masts of beaten gold "I'll show you where the white lilies grow on the banks of Italy, I'll show you where the white fishes swim at the bottom of the sea. I'll show you where the white lilies grow on the banks of Italy,
I'll show you where the white fishes swim at the bottom of the sea." "What are yon high hills the sun shines sweetly in?" "Those are the hills of heaven, my love, Where you will never win. "I'll show you where the white lilies grow on the banks of Italy, I'll show you where the white fishes swim at the bottom of the sea. I'll show you where the white lilies grow on the banks of Italy, I'll show you where the white fishes swim at the bottom of the sea." "What is that mountain yonder there where evil winds do blow?" "Yonder's the mountain of hell," he cried, "where you and I must go." He took her up to the top mast high to see what he could see He sunk the ship in a flash of fire to the bottom of the sea "I'll show you where the white lilies grow on the banks of Italy, I'll show you where the white fishes swim at the bottom of the sea. I'll show you where the white lilies grow on the banks of Italy, I'll show you where the white fishes swim at the bottom of the sea."