Eyes closed and falling Awake...
Eyes closed and falling awake...glitch
Life is the product of three....your middle self is heard when you are out of line...
Sparks dance as it darkens...
Still frames of memories shuffle in order...
The moonlight startles the sleeping giant...
Who speaks at the end of a yawn...as it deals a sequence of lucid dreams...
Simulation begins when the mind...
Tunes out interference...
Silence proceeds as the brain degrags...
Intimate ideas undress themselves...
Crumpled paper giving to gravity...
Along with the acquainted tears...
Two products of one creation myth...
Different emotions... from the same end of a two-sided spectrum...
Room temperature...facial features...
Honey-comb sunflower...fibonacci zombies...
Hermitian symmetry...pink noise..
Raining opportunities...life just falls into place...
Patience...Tetris...eraser sketches...
Muted silence...Echoes towards the hollowed deepend...
Where the sound artifacts collect...
Discovered then deleted...
Absent personality...vacuum...
Blackhole shaped as an attractive face...
Familiar little people of a shattered mirror....
Will disappear when the sun burns out...
Horned archers aiming for the bovine bull's eye
Donate the left portion of your brain for a chance to escape..
The Invisible landscape is behind your forehead
And all around you....
Anchored in lies...
Truthful balloon...
Blank paradise...
Moon shaking typhoon..
After hours...mourning sunshine...
Moonlit ocean splash...ripple effect...
Coaxial univerise...
Falling Star...
Autumn leaves of an omniscient tree...
Cranial stop sign...
Faith signatured waiver
Out of body excursion...bleed...
Twinkle twilight dancer
Geomancer cemetary marker...
Pulsating bodies at rest...
Lets heave...
The troubled waters from the belly to the mouth of the beast...
Another number crunched...
A world symbols created...
Shattered life-times of one soul to gain experiences to recall when needed....
Reocurring faces that always become your best friends...
Throwing a net into the big blue and catching enough jesus fish to starve the next man...
Stranger is Fiction brethren...
Voices transmit your feelings...
Mumbling wordsmith outspoken by the pa**ive pa**ing surroundings...
Attract yourself then release...
Dormant characters lay wide-eyed as your multiple personalities fan-out and disperse...
To exist then return to its source...