Yeah, I'm drivin' down your freeway In a brand new car that I just found Oh, it was parked there in your driveway Didn't want to wake you with a sound So I pushed it down the street Hopped in runnin', I rolled the window down Yeah, I'm doin' 95 now I'm smokin' crack, it can't be beat And thanks for all the money You left in your wallet on the seat Oh, it's generosity like yours That keeps us poor folk off the street Hey, I'm doin' 110 now Can you still hear me on your phone? I got a hundred cops behind me And overhead I hear the choppers groan Oh, I'm headed for the wall, now Gotta hang up now, thanks for the loan Chorus: So is this how we'll end My face here on TV Here's a message for your mother Out the window--can she see? So I'm cuttin' to the exit I can see people on the shoulder wave at me They're wavin' at me Don't know how things will end, now
But I never wanted this to be so hard That's how love will go, it's either there Or it's not there in the cards So I'll leave you now, but you'd better check The fire I set in our backyard Now I wonder if they'll shoot me Or just fire that taser gun And to tell you all the truth It don't matter a difference either one I know it's just a job they're doin' A man's gotta take it as it comes Oh, I think my bumper fell off Somewhere ten miles back The transmission is history The engine block is cracked I'm pickin' through these bottles Left here behind the seat The radiator's boilin' and The needle's in the heat So this is how it ends, now You get the kids and kick me out So I guess I had to show you That this man is not a mouse Hey, I hope you're happy now I gotta hang up now and crash into this house Daddy's home!