Well, you've got the gangsta rappers cruising in their low riders They're kitted out by the very best designers Got all the booty women and they're tripping with ice A car turns the corner and they gotta look twice Boy bands practicing their dance moves They're looking so smooth They're looking so cool They have a stylist to tell them what to do and say What to sing and play They'll be broken up soon anyway Some s** Some rock Tough sh** You've made your bed now you'll lie in it Well you've got your drug squad singing about taking up and tweaking The only problem, they practice what they're preaching They wrote a k**er tune Hit the big time real soon
Till they find the singer dead in a hotel room Nu-metal kiddie acting so tough No one else is good enough Grew up on the streets rough When in reality went to a private school Never broke a single rule He's acting bad so he looks cool It's just the price they have to pay Every now and then there's a person like Bob Marley Someone that you wanna see Wish he was still around today For me that's Sublime and Bradley Think it's such a same that I'll never see that man play Ska punk's just a big joke Just upsets folk Gets stuck in their throat Well if ska punk's just a big joke Just upsets folk Well that's the price we wanna pay