Lover flow to the rhythm of your sensuality I don't want to take you, just find that rhythm and flow in harmony Lust and tenderness are like the night and day They are the lovers, the hungry pull and the gentle kiss And now let me touch you, and when I touch, I'll reach you And your kisses I know, but I never tire of their taste and touch And now let me touch you, and when I touch, I'll reach you And your kisses I know, but I never tire of their taste and touch
Oh lover, what you've come to mean to me, I have balm and fire for you And whether I look in your eyes or touch your body I know that I've found rest and constant change And now let me touch you, and when I touch, I'll reach you And your kisses I know, but I never tire of their taste and touch And now let me touch you, and when I touch, I'll reach you And your kisses I know, but I never tire of their taste and touch