Load The Weapons And Shoot In The Virtual Butcher's Shop Smashed Faces Of Creatures Walk On Or Rot Thirsting For More Blood Collector Of Mortal Remains Bodycount Will Not Stop Defense Of The Positions Jump And Run For The Health Watch Out The Mortifications The Scene Of Crowning d**h Pure f**ing Humiliation Jump And Run For The Health Watch Out The Mortifications The Scene Of Crowning d**h Pure f**ing Humiliation Dead, Dead Creatures Everywhere
Cut, Cut Their f**ing Heads Off Look, Look For Further Mutations Collect, Collect Points In This Sphere Virtual Combat Mutilate To Reality Dripping, Dripping In Sweat For The Entry Wake Up, Wake Up - Intelligence Is Required Before It's To Late And You Must Die Game Over Jump And Run For The Health The Scene Of Crowning d**h Wake Up - Intelligence Is Required Before It's To Late And You Must Die