...this bombing went on for five years. The Supreme Court never pa**ed any judgment on it and the military speaks with pride today that five years of the bombing of Cambodia k**ed 16,000 of the so-called enemy. That's 25% k**ed, and there's a military ruling that says you cannot k** more than 10% of the enemy without causing irreversible, psychological damage. So, five years of bombing, a diet of bark, bugs, lizards and leaves up in the Cambodian jungles, uh, an education in Paris environs in a strict Maoist doctrine with a touch of Rousseau, and other things that we will probably never know about in our lifetime -- including, perhaps, an invisible cloud of evil that circles the Earth and lands at random in places like Iran, Beirut, Germany, Cambodia, America -- set the Khymer Rouge out to carry out the worst auto-homeo genocide in modern history.