How many times have you told yourself / And now many times have you been told by someone else that / You don't have what it takes / Deep down within / You're just not good enough and you'll never win // You've heard those words for so long / That you believe it even though you know it's wrong / Cause you're the one that's holding you back / Even if you've been mistreated you won't be defeated when you try / Chorus: TRY / There ain't nothing you can't do / JUST TRY / The world belongs to you / TRY / I know that it's true / You will make it when you try // Now is the time / Life's too short to wait / So make up your mind / Tomorrow might be too late / To do the things you know you wanna do / I'm not trying to run your life / the choice is up to you //
You can have the desires of your heart / Just believe it and you can make a brand new start / You can be anything you wanna be / Give it everything you've got / And don't stop / 'Till you reach the top // Chorus: If at first you don't succeed, Try and try again / You've got everything you need / To make it in the end / So don't be afraid / Once you start / You've got it made / People let me tell ya / Nothing beats failure but a try // Chorus: