Let me tell you a secret, one from accross the divide; when I saw you with her that day, I... ...I don't know how I felt, to be honest. Confused, maybe, at first and sad, because of the usual, but just for a moment...- and then it all changed. Because there was also another sensation, one I had never encountered before: a genuine pleasance, a warmth overcame me, and I was surprised that the only cause for this was the fact that YOU were happy, and to witness this fortune that wasn't my own, was enought yet for me to abandon my sadness and delight in the joy... ...that you clearly had found. But then, as it is with a mind that is
tidal, at the end of the day the sadness returned, along with the cruelty of my condition: forever denied... what now became hers. To put it more bluntly: I pitied myself. I sat there and cried and sobbed like a fool that nature had built me in such a foul way...- that I will never be what she is to you. Yet, as I compared my grey solitude to the golden halo of your blissful joy, that warmth from before once more overcame me and stayed in my heart till this very day. So, let me tell you a secret now: it's almost like I am no longer myself, I am bathed in a wonderful feeling...- for I now that you're happy and well.