Social Distortion - lyrics

Top Social Distortion lyrics

Another State Of Mind
Social Distortion


Angel's Wings
Social Distortion


Alone And Forsaken
Social Distortion


All the Ansers
Social Distortion


All The Answers
Social Distortion


A Place In My Heart
Social Distortion


Social Distortion biography

The enduring L.A. punk band Social Distortion has overcome numerous personnel shifts, the demise of the Los Angeles hardcore scene that spawned them, and the h**n addiction of singer/guitarist/bandleader Mike Ness to achieve a measure mainstream acceptance for their rootsy, hard-hitting punk without compromise. Inspired by the fertile L.A. punk scene, Ness formed the group in 1978 with drummer Casey Royer and brothers Frank (ba**) and Rikk Agnew (guitar). When the brothers left to join the Adolescents, Ness' ... Show more