New York Fades Away Through Sheets Of Grey Through Evening Haze Another Homeward Flight Those Crazy Nights Are Over Now So What If I Love It We Always Rise Above It When We Have To Go Another Mild November Those Curling Leaves Are Clinging For Life What's Left To Think About In Freezing Days And Colder Nights? I Found Love So I Grabbed It How Long Can I Have It? I Don't Want To Know Looking Back And Feeling It All
It Was Worth The Hardest Fall To Find My First Port Of Call When My Blue Skies Fall New Yorks Etched In My Mind In Crystal Lines Of Frozen Time When Only Distance Divides How Do You Keep The Feelings Alive? I Found Love So I Grabbed It How Long Can I Have It? I Don't Want To Know Looking Back And Feeling It All It Was Worth The Hardest Fall To Find My First Port Of Call When My Blue Skies Fall