I pray that soon the blessed meek their world shall inherit When all of these ba*tards are judged by their merits And called to account for the acts they've commited The jury their victims - no sins are omitted. I'd gladly burn these men of straw who beat the weakest hardest They sow the seeds of misery - let children reap the harvest The "lowest of the low" are they - not fit to share our planet They are not men but beasts indeed, so take this beast and hang it. Suffer the children - unseen and unheard Who live in the dark closets where skeletons stirred Behind mental parapets feelings lay hidden They cried out for nothing - and nothing were given. Why is it so hard to comprehend
They should not be released to re-offend? I think instead that they should take the place Of the animals dissected by this so called "Human Race." The time has come to take these scum and set a fine example The only problem is - I fear no punishment is ample Now I am not a violent man - but it would give me pleasure To watch these vermin crucified (then k** them at my leisure). They rob the young of innocence and then show no repentance We should relieve them of their lives - the crime befits the sentence Instead set free to hurt again for reasons I can't figure Just line them all against the wall and let me pull the trigger.