We're black brothers from the United States He who out to get them most, isn't Satan We're the hated race in a world of white Elected by mexican hands Now, Pito Wilson is full of hate And looking to f** up race Pito Wilson - Hates the raza Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - Sera presidente Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - Te quiere ver muerto Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - El cristo de odido Pito Wilson Now, Mexican brothers, don't be this stupid
A Calculate has begun The Pete in the north is growing Be president, rest or mature First to impact, the d**h of the year Now, pure white or pure dead Pito Wilson - Odia la raza Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - Sera presidente Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - Te quiere ver muerto Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - El cristo de odido Pito Wilson Pito...Pito...Pito...Pito...Pito...Pito...Pito...Pito