Getting My sh** Together My name is Samuel. And I'm tired of my behavior. For the past 2 years or so I've coasted through life without committing to anything. I'd often have epiphanies where I realized I needed to change my life for the better, but a week later I'd be in the same spot, laying in my bed scrolling through reddit or watching youtube, on the verge of hating myself. That is completely done and over with. The only way I'm going to get the hell up and change my life is to make promises and commitments, AND STICK WITH THEM! In an effort to keep up with them better, I'm making this a base page to track my progress and share my story with others. Numeric Goals Make five annotations on every. single. day.
Discover at least one new song every. single. day. Workout and exercise three times every. single. week. Maintain a grade-point-average of at least 4.0 the rest of this school year, and all the way through next. General Goals Stop drinking toxic-a** soda, and start drinking more water. Complete a 30 day challenge every. single. month. Put a stop to my negativity, and stop fostering anger for no reason. Start meditating and develop the sk** of clearing my mind and relaxing. Meet my idol and inspiration, Scott Mescudi (Kid Cudi).