While trying to erase these feelings of captivity And you are oblivious to this thing they call "free" You don't realize all the faults of our economy Well I guess no one does cause their so damn sneaky Well I've got mine and you've got yours But what about the foundation to every door It belongs to the [U.S.] treasury I'll bet They're using our doors [for collateral] towards the national debt Who will really tell of the confidential info? While they're too busy trying to scrounge up some more dough For things that will "benefit" you and me
I can't see that becoming a reality This payment that we owe Will never be paid off We just pay the interest [with our property taxes] And they use the rest for golf How can we pretend That everything's alright While we manikins walk around And they're so f*&#(&* tight Now I have graced you with my such and such While some of you may stand tall the others may simply duck 6 trillion dollars owed but what will be seen Invisible transactions but many people will bleed