News Reporter: 'Sir Alex, so much happened over the course of those two legs,but do you think the....the key moment was Rafael's sending off?' Sir Alex: 'No doubt about that. They will never win that game. Never get through it.' News Reporter: 'If you have 11 men?' Sir Alex: 'With 11 men, no problem. Young boy, bit inexperienced but they got him sent off. Everyone sprinted towards the referee. Typical Germans. You can't dispute that.' News Reporter: 'Well you talk about the fact that they targeted Wayne Rooney's injury as well. Did that surprise you that they did that?' Sir Alex: 'Say that again?' News Reporter: 'Targeting Wayne Rooney's injury, you talked about that first half.' Sir Alex: 'Well we expected that, the referee's got to handle that but that's not, that wasn't the key issue, the key issue was the goal before half time and then the young boy gets sent off.' News Reporter: 'After that was there an element of battle fatigue? You have talked about the players being tired did that show itself as well?' Sir Alex: 'No,no. I dont think so. The problem was, with the extra man they made the ball work. I thought we defended very well,really. It has taken an exceptional goal to finish the tie really. It was an exceptional hit by Robben.'
News Reporter: 'Over the tie, did the better team win?' Sir Alex: 'No, I don't think so. We played better than they did in their own ground.' News Reporter: 'What is the situation with Wayne Rooney? He had to come off in the end' Sir Alex: 'Well, we took the risk. We will just have a look at the situation again.' News reporter: 'Over the longer term, how might this affect you with the Premier league? Is Wayne going to be ok for next week?' Sir Alex: 'No, I don't think it is serious, to be honest with you. I think it is just that the tissue in the blood vessel burst and we have had to give it more treatment. Im sure he will be ok for the following week.' News Reporter: 'Well its a rare thing, no English club through to the Champions League Semi Finals, as far as United are concerned, when you look back, what will you think has been missing?' Sir Alex: 'I don't think there has been anything that is missing, I think we have done well. I think we have preformed very well, the performance tonight was excellent. Great performance, we were very unlucky tonight, very unlucky. News reporter: 'And now to lift the for the Premier League?' Sir Alex: 'Yep.Ok'