Hearing the Music Banging The Wall Drive Yourself Crazy You Silly Old Fool Coming Around Here Saying You're Piece If We Don't Shup Up You'll Call The Police Chorus #1 Blast Them Out Wake Them Up We Really Really Piss 'em Off Sod The Naighbores I'm Playing My Stereo Do You Want Some C'mon Then 'Ave A Go What's Your Problem? I Don't Really Wanna Know... Turn Down Your Hearing Aid... You're Not Original, You're Just As Bad, Like You Didn't Do It When You Were, A Lad, Get Lost You Loser, Piss Off You Git,
Get Stuffed Old Bird, Stop Having A Fit... Chorus #1 x1 Chorus #2 Dirty Old Perv Peering Through Your Window, Granny Features Phones For Noise Patrol, Sod The Neighbours, We're Playin' Our Stereo, Turn Down Your Hearing Aids Turn Down Your Hearing Aids It's Half Ten, Half Ten Late Again, And He's Ranting And Raving, Gets The Door Slammed In His Face! Shut Up! Turn It Down! Chorus #1 x1 Chorus #2 x1 Na-Na-Na-Na Na Na Na-Na x3 Na Na Na Na Na Na-Na-Na-Na Na Na Na-Na-Na *Till End*