Another drunken party on the drunken side of town, Betty OD'd in the bath; she turned blue, drowned. Reggie rooted Nikki beneath a dying oak tree, Then Nikki's fella, Tubby, capped Reggie's knees. Macgregor drank a slab of beer then spewed it up in the bin, Lesso from the navy slashed his wrists with a rusty tin. Mary did a strip for us, we howled up at the moon. Then someone yelled out through the night, "I hear the sound of ruin". A rolling night on the piss, a rolling night of shame. A rolling night of drunken bliss, a joyful numbing pain. But from the drunken mist of this myth-like La La Land, she jungle cat-a-walked on out and held my quivering hand. Drunk again I fainted with my head in a toilet bowl. Drunk again I pissed all over the toiler floor. Naked I Rose, filthy and foul, crying a
wistful tear, I crawled out to their deco fridge and drank another beer. Well some nights are filled with fancy. some nights are filled with rage, but on this night on holy piss my world became a stage. She took my hand and held it to her sober lilac heart, the whispered in my drunken ear "I am your work of art". We walked out to the cold dark street and climbed a dead old tree, the spider webs were sad and beautiful to see. We perched out on a big old branch, we howled up at the stars: "Get us home safe tonight! But first, get us to a bar!" I am the sighing fumace; I come from puke and mewl, but sobered by her spunky heart I learn this simple rule: That angels walk upon the earth, and devils take their oath, and if you fall in love some time you'll need advice from both.