THYESTES How I longed for my homeland, my house, and the wealth of Argos! This is the greatest happiness for exiles, after pain, to see their native earth and their ancestral gods— if there are really gods — and the high and holy walls built by the Cyclopes,* on larger-than-human scale. I see it all at last — the racetrack thronged with boys, where I often used to win the prize, in my father's chariot. 410 All Argos will rush to meet me, all the people — but that includes Atreus. Go back to your exile in the woods, the thickly tangled groves, and the life you led in the wild, with animals, and like them. No reason to be dazzled by the false, flashy brightness of royal power. When you look at the gift, look at the giver too. Just now, I had the kind of life that everyone would pity; but I was brave and happy. Now, on the other hand, I am dizzy with fear. My heart is stuck, and longs to carry my body back. I find myself moving, unwillingly. 420 TANTALUS JUNIOR What is this? My father hesitates, he looks around, unsure of himself, uncertain. THYESTES My heart, why all this pondering? Why do you twist around such an obvious course of action? When everything is in doubt — the kingdom, and your brother — why would you fear more suffering? Evil is conquered and tamed now: why run from misfortune? Your pain has been well invested. Unhappiness now feels good. Turn back and tear yourself away, while you still can. TANTALUS J. Father, why are you driven to turn back from your home as soon as you glimpse it? Why wrap your garments close 430 to avoid such marvellous benefits? Your brother is no longer angry; he returns and restores to you part of the kingdom. He sets the bones of the broken house, and gives you back yourself. THYESTES Even I do not know quite why I am frightened. I see nothing to fear, but I am still afraid. I want to go, but my knees feel wobbly and weak,
I get carried somewhere different from where I meant. Even if sails and oars spur on a ship, a current may confront them and carry the ship away. TANTALUS J. Overcome the obstacles that clutter up your mind, 440 and look at all the prizes you can get if you turn back. Father, you can be king. THYESTES I can, since I can die.* TANTALUS J. Absolute power is — THYESTES Nothing, if you have no desires. TANTALUS J. Your children will inherit. THYESTES The kingdom cannot hold two. TANTALUS J. Can someone choose unhappiness when happiness is possible? THYESTES Believe me, it is only language misapplied that makes us want to be ‘great', and fear to ‘suffer'. Lofty position brought me constant fear; I was afraid even of my own sword. Ah, what a wonderful thing to get in no one's way, to have a carefree picnic 450 relaxing on the ground! Crime does not enter hovels: those who live in tiny homes can drain their cups in safety.* Poison is drunk from gold. I know of what I speak. It makes good sense to choose bad fortune over good. The little low-lying town does not tremble at the house that stands up high above it on the mountain peak, nor does the ivory shine on the lofty ceilings; no sentry guards my bedroom while I sleep. I need no fleet to catch my fish, I do not need to drive the sea away with piles of rocks,* 460 nor glut my greedy belly with imported goods. No distant field in Parthia or Geta need be ploughed to feed me; I need no worship with incense or altars, replacing Jupiter with myself. No treetops sway up high upon my roof; no steaming baths that take many hands to heat. My days are not pa**ed in sleep, I do not stay awake to drink all night. Nobody fears me; I have no need of weapons to keep my house safe: deep peace comes to those in modest circumstances. The ability to do without a kingdom is a kingdom.