MINION #1: Doctor, why the long face? MAD SCIENTIST #1: I guess I left it in the mutagen too long. My mind's not on my work MINION #2: Master, what's wrong? MAD SCIENTIST #2: I just can't focus on d**h rays and evil plots today. Maybe tomorrow MINION #1: But Doctor-- MINION #2: But Master-- MINIONS: What's wrong? MS #1: World domination's a solitary art MS #2: Don't leave much time for affairs of the heart MS #1: But we were young once BOTH: Before we went all the way mad! MS #1: Oh-oh-oh... MS #2: We always knew we had our destiny, but... MS #1: For just a while, it was him and me MS #2: And now I wonder-- BOTH: Did we really know what we had? Oh-oh-oh... Another mad science love song MS #1: It was boy meets girl MS #2: Oh, yeah, I conquered that world BOTH: Who could have known things would go wrong? MS #2: She liked her labcoats tight -- MS #1: We went grave-robbing all night! MINION #2: Was she your lab tech? MS #2: Oh, don't be absurd MINION #1: Did you dissect him? MS #1: Have you listened to a word? BOTH: He/she was the love of my life It all seemed meant to be And to think that we met At University! MINION #1: How did you know he was the guy for you? MINION #2: What made you certain that your love was true? MINION #1: Were there romantic dinners by an open grave? MINION #2: Did you use mind control? Was she a willing slave? BOTH: Oh! Another mad science love song MS #2: Her sk** with DNA Just made me wanna obey BOTH: I guess our nature was too strong -- MS #1: He worked in steel and chrome His lair was almost home MINION #1: Did you betray him? MS #1: We are what we are MINION #2: Did she attack you? MS #2: I treasure every scar BOTH: He/she was the love of my life
But still, I knew my path; Love has to wait 'til I've punished Those who dared to laugh! Oh-oh-oh... MS #2: But this isn't forever It's just 'til my evil plan Comes into flower MS #1: No, this isn't forever Just until the whole planet Quakes under my power... He'll be my consort when the world is mine MS #2: When I crush the weak, she'll be my concubine MS #1: And maybe then he'll see MS #2: Then maybe I'll reveal MS #1: How things were meant to be BOTH: And how I really feel! BOTH: Another mad science love song MINIONS: (Shoo-wop-wop, ooo, shoo-wop-wop.) MS #1: No man's an island alone MS #2: Although I call one home BOTH: Now I've been waiting for so long MINIONS: (Shoo-wop-wop, ooo, shoo-wop-wop.) MS #2: Baby, are you still mine? MS #1: Will things be different this time? MINION #2: So you still love her? MS #2: Some things never die MINION #1: Can't you forget him? MS #1: I can't even try! BOTH: He/she was the love of my life It all seemed meant to be And to think that we met At University! BOTH: Another mad science love song! MINIONS: (Shoo-wop-wop, ooo, shoo-wop-wop.) BOTH: My IQ breaks the charts And still he/she broke my heart! MINIONS: (Oh-oh-oh...) BOTH: Another mad science love song! MINIONS: (Shoo-wop-wop, ooo, shoo-wop-wop.) BOTH: We made a perfect pair It was a crazy affair, oh-oh-oh... MS #1: Another mad science love song... MS #2: And she may never know MS #1: The way I miss him so MS #2: Another mad science love song... MS #1: We were the perfect pair MS #2: It was just meant to be And to think that we met BOTH: At University ALL: Oh-oh-oh MS #2 (sigh): Come on, Igor. We've got work to do MINION #2: Yes, Master ALL: Oh-oh-oh-oh