Going out into the eastern snow in pursuit of buffalo. Just one beast will feed the tribe, their life is our key to survive. Armed with supplies and ammunition by the bluecoats, with hunting permission. Well return once we have gathered more than enough. We shall return in triumph! Camped at a horse bend on Sand Creek, Colorado Cheyenne and Arapho; a peaceful ensemble Peace treats from white man, its the end of November Here he comes in all his splendor, oh an ode to Colonel Chivington! Full of hate, self righteous state, thickly laced with deception What will be the outcome when you think theres a war to end? And you have the power to make laws bend Forget the stroking of the pen Not revenge but land dispossession leave no claims, can you say ? theyll have no place to hide! The warriors had left the camp To hunt their game, such a clever trap
Chiefs and children left without defense Attack when vulnerability is best Under the truce flag gifted by your great father Bluecoats destined to manifest redskin slaughter with discretion, we shall take no surrender. Free to take plunder after every man and woman. the elders and . all peaceful parties then they chose to. Cant you see youre not my enemy and we could live in peace! Collect your priceless trinkets: Guns and bows and! Take it all its worth something, I wish this were just a bad dream! Both tribes with prejudice Your land is ours, Weve unleashed hell! Youre doomed! Die! History hides the lies Die! The d**h of the tribes Speak! When the future is so bleak Speak! What will you be? Die! History hides the lies Die! The d**h of the tribes Speak! Please remember me Speak! Cause I died at Sand Creek