♪ Can you take me to the movies ♪ Scott Stapp: What's up? Scott Stapp here. Welcome to my movie review show. So this week, I checked out a new film called Creed. I said to myself, finally. The epic tale of my band Creed is coming to the big screen. Michael B. Jordan: (Voiceover) Every move that I make. Every punch that I throw. Everything is going to be compared to him. Scott Stapp: As Creed the movie unfolded, there wasn't much that resembled what happened in Creed the band. The main character is played by Michael B. Jordan, you know, interesting choice, I mean, we don't look much a like, and the characters name is Creed, not Scott Stapp. Sometimes when I walk down the street people shout out, "What's up Creed?" So, I guess I get it. This movie has a lot of boxing. One time I punched a guy from 311, but I never actually boxed. Spoiler alert! Creed the movie has no epic guitar solos played on a mountaintop. And at no point does Creed sing on a steep cliff. That's what we do best.
Then out of nowhere Creed is hanging out with Rocky Balboa.Take it straight from the guy from Creed: We never met Rocky Balboa. In one scene, Creed is in front of a huge crowd, and I was like 'is he about to play Woodstock '99?' Nope. Just more boxing. I can't deny cinematographer Maryse Alberti paints Philadelphia as a gritty tapestry with his flair for high contrast lighting, and d**hly orchestrated tracking shots, but I'm not from Philadelphia. I'm from Creed. Anyway, I thought the performances were good. Jordan, Stallone they're great. I give this movie 4 arms wide open. That's all for now. Check back for next week's Can You Take Me To the Movies. I'll be reviewing the upcoming blockbuster Assa**in's Creed. It's based on a video game about an a**a**in who loves our band Creed. ♪ To a place where I can see the movies ♪