On A Strange Planet In A Far Away Galaxy There Were 3 Teenage Sharks That Were Visited By Humans And Given Advanced Laser Technology From The Future. The Sharks Joined Man In A Battle Against Evil Across The Uni. Join The Adventures Of Laser Sharks And Humans Of Tomorrow
A Different Product Of Evolution
Here To Crush The Revolution
Mutants From Outer Space
American All The Way
They Came To Save The Day
Its The Laser Sharks
Man Gave Them Laser Beams
To Protect The American Dream
Lasers From The Dark
Its The The Laser Sharks
Taken From Their Home World Indoctrinated, Created To Serve Aliens, That Claim To Be Their Friends
Mutants From Outer Space
American All The Way
They Came To Save The Day
Its The Laser Sharks
Man Gave Them Laser Beams
To Protect The American Dream
Lasers From The Dark
Its The The Laser Sharks
shiawasena same same x2
shiawasena LASER same x2
amerika ga masatta
kuukan ni nippon ga ittekimash**a
wareware wa kuukan ni shiawase na same hakken
wareware wa, LASER o setchi
ima, watash**achi wa hangeki
wareware wa katsu