Pitter patter didn't matter, sur les Champs-Élysées Stormy weather caught us together au bord de la Seine Toutes les belles étoiles, hid in the clouds that night. It was the rain that fell that did cast the spell there in your arms. I heard raindrops on the roof tops du côté de la Rue de la Paix I had never thought bad weather could feel this way. Now I'd trade some bright Summer's day again and again Just for one kiss and Paris in the rain
Pitter patter didn't matter, sur les Champs-Élysées Stormy weather caught us together au bord de la Seine Toutes les belles étoiles, hid in the clouds that night It was the rain that fell that did cast the spell there in your arms. I heard raindrops on the roof tops du côté de la Rue de la Paix I had never thought bad weather could feel this way. Now I'd trade some bright Summer's day again and again Just for one kiss and Paris in the rain.