No life to be envied We look down on you, We poses an essence your averse to We are substance, unlike you, The ability to see through you Your no paragon of virtue, Like a shard of jaded gla** You pierce the skin and bleed us through. I takes time, to see you, for who you, really are Reflections, of hatred, that graze life's, lonely scar. Do unto others, as they world would do to you Hypocrite, dictating that smothers, No paragon of virtue It takes time, to see you, for who you, really are
Reflections, of hatred, that graze life's, lonely scar. No traits to be envied, Deceiver through and through Set the test you would fail yourself, Unprincipled and cruel Wee see you and we breath you, we live you, Think as you do We waken and we see clear, We learn not to be like you It takes time, to see you, for who you, really are Reflections, of hatred, that graze life's, lonely scar. Do unto others, as they would do to you Hypocrite, dictating that smothers, No paragon of Virtue