I am going to jump kick your face and then kiss it. I have been practicing my jump kicks every day I have been practicing my jump kicks at least three or four times a day. That means I have performed more jump kicks than the average human. That means when I jump kick your face you will notice the power. That means when I jump kick your face, it will mean more than if someone else did it. After I jump kick your face I will kiss it. There will be many kisses— an amount that eventually becomes annoying and vaguely frightening. They will seem mad. And I won't even feel emotion while I'm kissing your face. It will just be something I am doing. I will kiss your face repeatedly. Mainly in the cheek area. But sometimes on the nose and sometimes on the forehead.
And sometimes my mouth will be open. Sometimes my front teeth will touch your skin but it will be accidental. And I promise to open my eyes to a**ure you if that happens. When you feel teeth and then open your eyes, mine will already be open. But I will not stop kissing your face. The pleas to stop will not be obeyed. The next day you will wake up with your face against the pillow, your jump kicked and violently kissed face. It will hurt. You will touch it and feel how it hurts. I am practicing my jump kicks; my kisses are already pretty good. You will get one of the former and many of the latter. You mean nothing and you are nobody. You are a crumb in my bellybu*ton.