Carriage of steel, Dionysian wheel Makes way in a reel toward fates final seal Snow frosted skies, liquid shot eyes Homeward bound youth dies, the price for your vice Exit the lamb of God, enter his wrath Exit the lamb of God, the lion is here Bones in the ground, a weak moaning sound Noone to hear it, no help to be found The carriage moves on, there'll be no more dawn All traces of courage and empathy gone Exit the lamb of God, enter his wrath Exit the lamb of God, the lion is here Red lights are flashing, sirens scream in despair An ounce of hope plants its seed High voltage thrusting, machines providing the air Time for faith to take the lead Please let there be one more day God let your love light the way Release me now from this pain
Help me to somehow stay sane Then without warning the end arrives dressed in black Silence, a light going out Faith and hope leaving to never ever come back The end of what life's about Give back my reason to live Your crime's to great to forgive All in the blink of an eye You stole the sun from my sky Wrath, day of wrath, when God sits above to judge you hard for your crimes, there's no mercy to be found and Satan laughs 'cause he knows that the fire down below will soon be fed with your flesh, he is smiling as he dances in the flames Watch him dance... Carriage of steel, Dionysian wheel Makes way in a reel toward fates final seal Nothing is done, the penalty none Efficiency equal to the led from a gun