I saw a pro-file sticker just other day another fool who has no right to procreate elbows bumping, tempers growing veins bulge in my neck and eyes we're just a bunch of animals that f** to survive... we gotta make room, make room spread the f** right out make room, make room for the hand of doom I built a wall around myself, form a world that's on the brink there's a problem with my armor cause there's just too many chinks cyanide the water supply, take a drink and watch'em die release ebola in the air, swell and bleed out everywhere sarin gas for you to smell, take a train ride, next stop hell a y2k census and we're all filled up
like a thick head of beer overflowing it's cup a culling of humans, a matter of space like herd management for the human race. line'em up against the wall, aim & fire, send in more dynamite, hand grenades, cold Guyanin lemonade Judas Priest pumpin' loud, pump your shot gut, listen-POW! poisoned, stabbed, ma** contusion, chop'em burn'em f** it - NUKE'em f**in nuke'em there's too many people too many mouths to feed what is the solution? when billions need to eat there's not enough space nowhere to put our waste with a little salt and pepper how do you think we'll taste?