A fire in the sky, time for do or die The feds are getting close, up against the ropes What can you make of this, with our moves so slick Continue in disguise, steal the truth from their eyes E.T's pissed! Don't look up to the sky, something's not right Don't look up to the sky, you know something's not right Don't look up to the sky, something's not right Don't look up to the sky, something's not right The cover up is part of the curriculum, the cover up. The cover up is part of the curriculum, the cover up. The cover up is just good business, the cover up. The cover up is being kept safe... For prying eyes!
E.T's in vertigo, we sneak him, he goes E.T's in vertigo, where to now, who knows? His spacecraft will not show, the government's impatience grows Officials form in rows to find our slight of hand confuses so! Don't look up to the sky, something's not right Don't look up to the sky, you know something's not right Don't look up to the sky, something's not right Don't look up to the sky, something's not right Hidden agenda's show. To the highest bidder, E.T's sold. 40? 50? Hear I 60? 80? 90 million flyin'! Pack 'em, ship 'em, sell 'em, leave 'em Another bargain, profit margin.