You've got to choose your medicine Choose it very well indeed Say a little prayer for better blood In debt, indeed, in doubt and dead. The fire and the life Fixes me there. My nerves move like the wheat in the wind Some jerk wants to give me wings The Greek chorus wants this blue boy to sing The salt of the earth are called mud And I'm just looking for better blood. These are the things I'm not looking for Open my soul and put out more light
I extinguished those bright sparks years ago. The steel and the blood Keeping me there. My nerves move like the wheat in the wind. Choose your medicine well indeed Look and say, look and see The changes it has wrought unto me. (Where burning saints crawl) Walk tall! Some jerks wants to give me wings The Greek chorus wants this blue boy to sing The salt of the earth are called mud And I'm just looking for better blood. ...better blood.