Now the bloods been spilt We must make our pact Declare ourselves for who we are That's a cold hard fact Eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth That's the game we play Step on me, and I'll step all over you It's always gonna be that way Don't push your luck It's a long way down Now you're dealing with The man in this town I'm a king without a crown, I won't sit down You can't pull me down, I'm the man in this town Now the stage is set. Now it's time to act I gotta know who I'm standing with And if ya gonna watch my back Are you staunch when the sh** hits the fan?
Or are you running away Do I depend on you my friend? So I live to fight another day Don't push your luck You won't face me down I'm the king of these streets, I'm the king of this town I'm the man about town Yeah I ain't foolin' around You won't pull me down I'm the man about town Kindness and weakness A friend of mine used to say It's a lesson that's worth learning It might save your life today Don't push your luck It' a long way down I'm the king of these streets, I'm the king of this town I'm the man about town You won't put me down I'm the man about town