Let's spin each other round the kitchen before bed Tell each other all the secrets in our heads I'll hold you close and you'll hold me close and we'll savour it Let's spin each other round the kitchen before bed You and me and me and you we stick like glue Our fire never burns out though sometimes our bodies do I'll do my best to help you make your dreams come true You and me and me and you Oh, that smile is it for me? Could it be that I could make you so happy?
Those eyes you know they still make me weak You're always the single missing puzzle piece I seek Without all my days they would be so incomplete You're my missing puzzle piece Lets spin sadie round the kitchen before bed Fill her up with the love that we've found again and again We'll hold her close and count her toes and savour it Let's spin sadie round the kitchen before bed before bed before bed Before bed, before bed B for bed, before bed, b for bed