Well I don't want you When you want me And I don't need you Like I need dough See those flowers? They were on sale And all that foreplay It was for me I never loved you When you loved me I never cared about you When you cared about me I've got the F-L-double O-R The F-L-double O-R, R-R The F-L-double O-R I've got the floor Hey pretty lady Not you, behind you
Where'd you get that Amazing booty Oh, tae-bo works? See, tae-bo works! Thanks for the info Here's my number I never loved you When you loved me I never cared about you When you cared about me I've got the F-L-double O-R The F-L-double O-R, R-R The F-L-double O-R I've got the floor I don't want you When you want me And I don't need you Like you need me