I have seen, seen the down fall of Satan Glory be to God! Glory be to Jesus! I have seen, seen, the down fall of Satan Glory be to God! Amen! When I look to my right, I see Satan has fallen When I look to my left, I see Satan has fallen When I look to my front, I see Satan has fallen When I look to my back, I see Satan has fallen Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I have seen, seen the victory of Jesus Glory be to God! Glory be to Jesus I have seen, seen the victory of Jesus Glory be to God! Amen When I look to my right I see Jesus has conquered; When I look to my left I see Jesus has conquered; When I look to my front I see Jesus has conquered When I look to my back I see Jesus has conquered Hallelujah, etc...