(Phone Ringing) [Man:] "Hello?" [Operator:] "Yes, a collect call for Mrs. Floyd from Mr. Floyd. Will you accept the charges from the United States" (Phone is Hung Up) "He hung up. Is this your residence, sir?" "I wonder why he hung up..." "There must be someone else there besides your wife to answer." (Phone Ringing) [Man:] "Hello?" [Operator:] "This is the United States calling." "Are we reaching?"
(Phone is Hung Up) "See he keeps hanging up." "But it's a man answering." (Operator cuts connection) [Groupie:] "Oh my God, what a fabulous room! "Are all these your guitars?" "God, this place is bigger than our apartment." "Uh, could I get a drink of water?" "Ya want some? Huh?" "Oh wow! Look at this tub!" "You wanna take a bath?" "What're you watching?" "Hello?" "Are you feeling ok?"