Somebody stealing my money Liberating my cash Picking the lock of my pocket Re-arranging my stash Somebody poisoned my water Gone and fractured my well Somebody lagged in my agua Somebody heading for hell I said yeh – oh yeh – I said yeh – hell, yeh Aint that wicked world! Aint that a wicked world! Somebody drinkin' my whiskey Evaporating my juice, Raiding on my alcohol ------ $50 proof Somebody opened my ice-box They must be helping themselves Because nothing left of my daily bread
Somebody heading for hell I said yeh – oh yeh – I said yeh – hell, yeh Aint that a wicked world! Aint that a wicked world! Somebody de-caffed my java Un-appetizing my tea Dishing the dirt on my sugar I don't know who to believe Somebody taking my woman Somebody making her smell Putting their bread in her oven Hey somebody heading for hell I said yeh – oh yeh – I said yeh – hell, yeh Aint that a wicked world! Aint that a wicked world!