[Geo-M] Its only my debut But already I got something to say to you So goodday to you, the names Geo-M Got strong views and not afraid to voice 'em Guess it's just how I was brought up And you'll hear it in this song that I thought up Its all my material, I write my own lyrics Cos I'm not just here to be singing I'm here to voice my opinion [RJAM] Yo, the names RJAM I follow the fashion, follow the trends Use them like cammo to blend But, inevitably, that fad will end in time For a new trend to come along the line [Geo-M] Well I'mma not gonna be the same Cos I'm no clone- Geo-M's the name I'm me, only me, I'm proud of that I don't need the latest mobile app Latest pop tune, don't need a tat Don't need the latest wear Don't give a sh** if my top has your name plastered all over it Thwack! So take that Jack And I'm not going to take that back You want me to play it back? Nah Cause I got a lot to get across in this rap So I'll crack on Facebook on my mobile, nah Cos don't need to post statuses 24/7 Don't get these people who tweet about everything they do Even when they're not bloody doing nothing! Do you think I really want to hear that you're ironing Or what you just been eating out of ready meal packaging If you're now doing the washing Or with who you've been hanging Or if you're going shopping Or what you've been sitting on your arse watching? No! Well I don't have that much time on my hands to spend Use social media only to catch up with my friends And I don't mean Facebook friends neither Cos that's something different entirely Cos sometimes I find It's just a pointless stat to make you seem popular Well who give a damn if you're popular No matter what Your real friends will still be there for you Don't forget Maybe it's time you found out who they really are Cos I don't think you know yet RJAM: Yo man, you heard the latest song? Geo-M: No, afraid I ain't heard it RJAM: Man, its a ma**ive hit Geo-M: Mm, thats what you're listening to now? RJAM: Sure is Geo-M: I guessed somehow [RJAM] In my own zone Just me and my smartphone Music playing in my headphones The latest song on the radio Hit the charts just a couple of days ago [Geo-M] Well I don't listen to what's well known I play music that to my friends is unknown I occasionally tune into KLFM or Kiss But half the music on there… I'll give it a miss I like folk, dance and I quite like pop But mostly I listen to rap and hip hop And no, not just the new stuff, but some of the first
And undoubtedly, some of the best I used to be a poet and my mates thought that was sh** And now I'm a rapper and they say it's brilliant Well the reason I can rap like this, write like this, rhyme like this Is cos I wrote poetry It was good practise Cos really Rap is poetry! [Geo-M: This verse is almost recited as a poem] These verses I wrote about trends I'm spitting Could've wrote them in poem form but didn't If I did, would you have listened? To my poem about the latest fad, latest trend That's currently fashionable, but will soon end [Geo-M] And when that fad finally fades out Another trend will appear, no doubt And it'll probably be something that was fashionable twenty years ago Cos it always happens, never anything new though You want an example? Chucks, cargo pants, chinos These are all the fashion of the 90s Made a comeback in 2013 in Autumn Now it's the “new trend”- everybody's bought them [RJAM] So I go to town Saturday after a hard week And buy a hoody, with across the front, “Geek” Although my maths sk** is limited and I never seen a book Don't even like sci-fi, just follow the geeky look It's the latest trend, so I just play along [Geo-M] But I can a**ure you it won't be fashionable for long Like every trend before, it'll be the same old tale Like a whale Swims along the bottom to rise to the surface every once in a while Just to breathe, then sinks back down half a mile Let's face it: that's how it goes All the latest trends gotta die out, and be replaced But this I'm betting money on: They'll all return [RJAM] I'm just a clone I follow the fashion, follow the trends Use them like cammo to blend But, inevitably, that fad will end in time For a new trend to come along the line [Geo-M] Ok so maybe I do care how I look But like some of you stars nowadays I'm not just a pretty face Got no pa**ion for fashion Not gonna dress in your white armour, not me And become one of your clone army Forget it! I'll never be seen in anything nerd, anything dweeb, anything geek I'll always dress unique And although I may do now, I won't stand out for long at all Cos my new trend is gonna rule! Now, if you happen to see them, the army's changed their uniform They're now an army of Geo-Ms And of course I'll feel on top of the world with this new rush of popularity And seeing my people all around of me Used to be trend breaker! Now I'm trend maker! But it won't last for long cos every trend has gotta meet its maker!