Ecce Angus Dei! Crucifigatur! Desolatus! Ecco h*mo ab ira tua, Decessus aeternus propetae! Dark seas reflect dark skies As storms are gathered to Golgothan shores On rotten wood in the place of skulls Where only mother and who*e stay to mourn Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum The king of emptiness on the ninth hour cried An ocean of humanity witnessing execution A ma** with ardor begging him to die His subjects screamed in mutiny of tyranny A crown of horns adorned the prophet's demise May his blood be on us and our children The earth shivered with his retraction of life E'lo-i! E'lo-i, la'ma sa bach-tha'ni? Solo: Istvan
King of Jews, Father of Lies Loved only by the meek and the scarlet Roaring skies signal the end of his time A nefarious mirror of the netherworld Reflects the darkness of vengeful heavens Forsaken to demise, the prophet is born His oath of life carries the will of living d**h Horns adorn the prophet's demise Solo: Istvan Plagues, infernal torture and eternal pain O, how the Lord loves his children! Enchained in the cave, the light from the flame Murderers, genocide; in him all is forgiven Behold the lamb of god! Let him be Crucified! Forsake him! Behold the man from your wrath! The prophet's eternal demise!