Today I take another way
I don't pretend that it wull bring much new.
But if I wait until tomorrow I could be tired and then it is too late.
The show is over everyday life starts
monday has the might
it calls the workers back to the factories.
We break away the tents and move on
everything grows into a habit
it reduces people to silence
destroys imagination and confuses our mind.
Father, stay cool
I know what you wanna say right now:
"stay with your feet on the ground
safety's all
do your duty
when I recall my youth
believe me
you will end in jail!"
I know that all
I've heard it a thousand times
but I think life is more than just safety or duty or a matter of age.
Father, look
sometimes or other anywhere a man took another way
and when his path came to an end he had become a wise man.
Father, listen to me,
and try to understand.
I know you want my best
you want to give a helping hand.
But you're just stealing my dreams
asking for more reality
you think the way you live is life and I have to live the way you do.
Well then
take my life and keep it for you
like this it's only worthless for me.
Father, listen to me
and try to understand.
I know you want my best
you want to give a helping hand.
If you are nipping my dreams in the bud
if you're trying to put me down
by meekness or by force then I will break and fall down to the ground
to the ground
to the ground.
But spring will be here very soon
the air is mild it's almost warm
and now my time has come
and now my time has come
and now my time has come
and I have to leave.