I can't stand it anymore
I can't stand it anymore.
My life is filled with days asking the future and the past for the today.
What can I do alone
without myself
depending on a chance.
The sky is deep
where are my wings?
I can't stand it anymore
I can't stand it anymore.
The circus is my world and it's a fact
it's not a children's paradise
to me it's hell.
What can I do alone
even David who can sing a song can not believe in this world anymore
each night he dies a little more in applause.
I can't stand it anymore
the dead look of the captured lions
my ma who gets more silent each day
the hackneyed jokes of my father
the admiring cheers for the breakneck leap
the resounding laughter at the clowns
the boundless patience of the dwarfs
the silly pride of the flying men
all the morbid thoughts of the head of the circus.
Then there's that one happy day
when ev'rything seems to be clear and forever.
And I am trying to hold it tight
with all my strength I try to hold it tight
but it wastes away just like a dream.
I can't stand it anymore
I can't stand it anymore.