[Tenor:] For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Son That Whosoever Believes In Him Shall Have Everlasting Life [Alto/Soprano:] Our God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Son That Whosoever Belives In Him Shall Havr Everlasting Life [Tenor:] For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Son That Whosoever Believes In Him
Shall Have Everlasting Life [Alto:] Lord We Praise You, We Lift You Up Above Everyone, For You Gave To Us Your Love And You Gave Yourâe Only Son [Soprano:] And The Son Who Sacrificed His Life By Dying On The Cross [All:] To Redeem Our Lives And Pave The Way For Those That Might Be Lost Hallejuah, Hallejuah [Repeat As Directed]