When you wake up and you see the sunrise When you look up and it's love for the first time When you see a shooting star in the night sky When you help a friend make it through the traffic When you read the book and see yourself in it When you make a difference And you know the world knows it It's everything we do, everything we say Everything we are Chorus Laasok b'divrei Torah, Torah, Laasok b'divrei Torah It's what we do, what we say It's how we live our lives with meaning everyday
Laasok b'divrei Torah When you're walking or you're breathing or you're listening When you look and everywhere you find a blessing When you're praying for a stranger who needs the heeling When you take a stand for what you know is right When you will not see the world in black and white When you see the rain stop and find the rainbow Chorus We are all Yisrael We've struggled hard since our creation Yisrael, we must never reach our destination Chorus