Ox dragging a chain of orbs These orbs are miniature worlds Men peer from inside the orbs There is Swift, there is a Bunyan The Bard, and many more English from the old, from the now And from the later At the end of the chain A child's cradle And Mrs. Purefoy screams Her vocal lightning Makes the revelers jump Stephen amongst them So is Bloom Buck Mulligan details plans For a fertilization enterprise Himself the stud A horror from Horace Walpole Enters the scene carrying a poison
The reader drinks it Siamese twins spider into the room And take their place at a top corner. Amongst the clouds mastodon thunder. Thoughts miscarriage and Doctor tongue And nurse alcohol, deliver malformed ideas That spill over the gathered but a mushroom Widens like an umbrella and conceals them from truth. And a black panther, since chapter one, still stalks Haines. It all ends in future gibberish and so like them, I go too. Am fin. Nity.