Do you remember our best adventure?
Stealing off to climb Westers Hill?
Creeping out of our house at midnight?
Do you remember on the way down after
I cut my leg right open on that fence?
And I cried and I cried
It was just a hill we climbed that night
But it felt like top of the world
"Top of the world, ma!"
I'm on top of the world
"Our teachers had faith in their lessons
Their doctrine, but these facts are unreliable
These cracks are undeniable," you said
"Do you feel the warmth beneath your feet?
That's cos the Earth is so very old"
They should have warned us years ago
We should have been told that secret
Kept by Mum and Dad which covered everything
"At first it's dark
And then it's light
And then it's dark again..."
"You're bleeding, but it's alright
'Cos we'll stay awake the whole night
'Cos I found a rock in an ancient place
And it's older than the human race
So let's build a fire
A homing light
For astronauts and satellites
For scientists with soldier's hearts
For pioneers of Earthly arts
You and me
We're dead in the blink of an eye
We've been and gone
We're dead in a blink of the Earth's eye"