[Intro] Can’t come down, Can’t go now, And down [Chorus] Can’t come down! I’ve been running around for days! 24 hours a day, Party at night and day! And still can’t calm down, People tell me I’m crazy! But there not far because, I can’t calm down I work 8 hours a day, And should sleep 16 hours but, I party all day and night, Which means, I can’t calm down, I can’t calm down! [Verse 1] Hit Here, Long here, “I know the way! ” “Bring me there, ” I say “Okay, ” She say “We Take! ” [Chorus] [Verse 2] Can’t calm down, I got it, (I got it) You know, (I know)
Party, (Party) All Night, (All night, away) Party, (Party) All Night! [Verse 3] “Why have you not slept! ” “Why are you so inept! ” “Why have you not spazzed! ” “Why have you not calmed down! ” [Verse 4] I’m sorry, I can’t calm down, I really have to take it down, I kind of, can’t calm down, And I wanna, do it now! [Chorus] [Verse 5] “I knew you bad boy! ” “You blurted it out! ” “Now I hate you! ” “And I’ll do that now! ” [Outro] Sorry! I’ll calm down. Thanks to, George, and Jenny too! Thanks to, Tyler, and you! Me too! I can’t calm down...