For Every one There's a way Each As unique With there own Part to play In Every heart There's a place Far From the mad--dening pace Why not go There? Then you'll know Where Lies your soul I follow the light in my heart Leads me through fields of desire I will be Seen through the eyes of a child Taken on journeys unknown It will be How it's gonna be (gonna be) So much to see For Every one There's a way Each As unique With there own Part to play In Every heart There's a place Far From the mad--dening pace
Why not go There? Then you'll know Where Lies your soul I follow the light in my heart Leads me through fields of desire I will be Seen through the eyes of a child Taken on journeys unknown It will be How it's gonna be So much to see So much to see There's so much to see There's so much to see Gonna be For every one there is a way Oooo, oooh In every heart there is a place Oooo, yeah, yeah, yeah Bringing it back to the start So many times in one life I will be What I'm meant to be Where I'm meant to be