Sambalele is a show off, threw a stone at a Mango
Mango stayed up, stone fell down on his head
Sambalele is home in bed:
clap your hands and twirl oh, menina
clap your hands and twirl oh, menina
clap your hands and twirl oh, menina
Put your hands on your head
Point to something that is red
Put your hands on your shoe
Point to something that is blue
Put your hands in the air
Shake your hands while your there
Put your hands in your lap
Let your fingers go SNAP
Sambalele is a show off, built him some stilts to be a tall Man
He took a tumble on his great big head,
Sambalele is home in bed
Put your hands up and down
Make a face like a clown
Put your hands to the floor
Point your hands to the door
Put your hands in your lap
Give your knee one soft tap
Put your hands in your lap
Give one very loud clap!