According to evolutionary theories an ape stood up Increasing his eyesight and point of view Evolving to bipedalism, to fend and organize attacks Its only theories but sure we are not different from animals Fireballs fell from the sky Clever beings drove us To exploit our gray matter And prove we are not alone CHORUS Organizing themselves to hunt Taking care of their loved ones Establishing ruling powers Joining in groups That we will prevail and change the world Carving stones, creating spears Carving wood, creating weapons Fireballs fell from the sky
Clever beings drove us To exploit our gray matter And prove we are not alone CHORUS Organizing themselves to hunt Taking care of their loved ones Establishing ruling powers Thinking in groups So we will prevail and change the world Carving stones, creating spears Carving wood, creating weapons Confronting races, erasing races, Evolving to a more rational being, Cunning, aggressive, organized, murderous