All hail President Rhino All hail rhinoceros commander-in-cheif Republicans think they got a solid economic platform Rhinoceros has two horns Democrats want to raise the tax on the rich A rhino's skin is grey and thick Rhino will bore through your entrails Swat flies with his thick tail Debate social issues When it's time to vote you know what to do (Vote rhino) The people loved him for his brutal honesty 'Till he mauled a crowd of people at an orphan charity When rhino's term was finally ending His support had started waning
Grazing on the White House lawn The press revealed that he was lazy Foreign policies in question Poachers gone yet still in recession Rhino just wants to stampede I think it's time that he secedes How could we all believe the such a prehistoric beast Who barely sees could have the capacity To lead the country to prosperity Re-elect President Rhino Re-elect rhinoceros Commander-in-chief Re-elect president Rhino! Bring back the rhino All hail President Rhino! All hail rhinoceros commander-in-cheif